Yomer Fidel Montejo Harrys




Instagram @yomermontejo
Facebook: Yomer F.Montejo Harrys.

Yomer Fidel Montejo Harrys was born in Camaguey, Cuba in 1983 and resides in Havana, Cuba.

Yomer describes his art technique as taking the technical side of radiography as the tool allowing that allows him to dabble and discover the occult that surrounds daily life. This internal structure breaks the symbolic aura, image, and content. Yomer has developed his skills in photography with a marked artistic interest in furthering the intended usefulness of the medium as way to register and document reality. From the formal manipulation and it’s artistical molding, these demonstrate a game where Yomer explores his models and objects further. 

Art Education:  Graduating in 2000, Yomer attended trade school Pablo de la Torriente Brau in Havana. The trade school offered courses in ceramics, sculpture, leather work, metalsmithing, and cultural miscellaneous materials.  In 2005, Yomer completed studies in Medical Imaging through a public health degree of Healthcare Technician.

Art Exhibitions: 2015’s COLATERAR 12th Biannual de la Habana, and took place in Parque Histórico Militar Morro-Cabaña, Havana. In 2013, October Biannual Vanity Flair, Luxus und Veganglichkeit of Munich, Germany (DER KUNSTLER IM HAUS DER KUNST), November 2011 Salón y Coloquio de Arte Digital, Centro Cultural PABLO de la TORRIENTE BRAU.  

Personal exhibitions:  2015 titled, “El Objeto Como Consuelo” or “The Object as Consolation”. March and April 2015, Muestra Joven ICAIC, Centro Cultural Cine, Havana. 2015 Expo. Colectiva Central, Havana. 2014 “Post it 2” Expo sale of Cuban Contemporary Art.  “Cubadentro” Contemporary Artists from Cuba, “International Photo Project, Havano, Milan, New York”. “Festival photographie et arts visuels fotolimo 3rd Edition, France.  Afroamerican Centro de la Imagen, Centro Historico, Mexico City, Mexico.

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